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Registration Agreement

BDA Registration Agreement 2024/2025

Membership Fee

A non-refundable fee of $40 per student or $60 per family is required annually at time of registration for our current families (not applicable for workshop classes, 9 week programs or summer camps). New families joining the studio for the 24/25 season will have a non-refundable $45 per student or $70 per family membership fee.​


Annual Classes Fees (September - June)Tuition fees are based on the entire season (including all holidays and studio breaks), not the number of classes per month. A full season of dance includes 31 weeks. Tuition fees are paid in monthly installments or annually. Last monthly installment (June) is non-refundable and payable at time of registration. Tuition must be paid by automatic credit card payment or electronic funds transfer (EFT) and will be charged to your credit card/bank account on the 1st day of each month (September - May). Full year payments can be made by Cash, Cheque or Credit Card. A 5% discount will be given for all full year payments made by Cash or Cheque by September 30th. Fees are subject to change.​


Withdrawal Policy

There is a one month minimum for all classes. BDA requires 30 days written notice from the 1st of the month to discontinue service. To withdraw from Bella Dance Academy you must complete and sign a withdrawal form. If you do not give BDA written notice of your intent to withdraw from a class or classes, your account will continue to be charged until the end of the time period covered by this agreement (May, 2025). Withdrawals will not be accepted unless exceptional circumstances apply after February 1, 2025.


Refunds/Creditsuition, registration fees and costume fees are non-refundable. Refunds will not be given for days missed due to absences, holidays, studio breaks, weather-related closings or power outages. Refunds will only be issued if BDA cancels a class due to insufficient enrolment. Refunds will not be given if a similar online class is provided in place of an in-studio class. Account credit may be given in the event of a medical emergency and will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Credits are not usable for boutique purchases, material costs, or fees to cover external services, unless otherwise noted. Any credit applied to an account, will be applied to any BDA tuition or fees due within one year.​


NSF/Late Fees

There is a $30 charge on all NSF cheques and/or returned EFT payments. Accounts not paid within terms are subject to an accruing 5% monthly finance charge and discontinued services until paid. Accounts more than 60 days past due may be submitted to collection services.​


Workshop Classes (Including 9 Week Sessions and Summer Camps)

Workshop fees are non-refundable, non-transferable and due at the time of registration. Workshop classes, 9 Week Programs and Camps are not subject to membership fees. See Camp policies for more information.​



Discounts will apply to students enrolled in more than 2 weekly hours of annual classes. Discounts are as follows: X hours of class per week = X% tuition discount (5 hours of class = 5% discount on all annual class tuition). Discounts are not offered for summer camps or classes, special events, examination fees, competition choreography, entry fees, costumes or membership fees.​


Private Lessons All private lesson fees are non-refundable and due at the time of booking. If cancellation notice is received by BDA (phone or email) with 24 hours notice, a credit will be applied to your account. If 24 hours notice has not been received, your fee will be forfeited.​


Roll-Over Registration

All current students will be automatically rolled-over into their classes for the 25/26 season on June 1st, 2025. Classes will be chosen based upon their current instructors recommendations. The studio will offer a link to opt-out of roll-over registration or a specific class in May 2025. To be considered opted-out of the system, a request must be made by May 30th, 2025 to take effect. â€‹

Contact  Us

#103 - 149 Old Airport Road
Yellowknife, NT
X1A 3X6

(867) 87-DANCE

Thanks for contacting us!

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© Bella Dance Academy​​, 2023

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