Policy Agreement
BDA Policy Agreement 2024/2025
Ways to Learn for All Students
BDA offers a variety of service options including private instruction, small group instruction, traditional classes, and more to meet the needs of students and staff as well as for the ability to maintain service continuity in any situation.
Rescheduling, Teacher and Class Substitutions
Teacher assignments will be announced before classes begin. BDA reserves the right to reschedule or combine classes, or to provide a substitute teacher. BDA reserves the right to deliver class content via an online system in the event that classes are not able to be conducted live for any reason including, but not limited to: weather, teacher absence, or governmental advisory.​
Safer Studio Policy BDA requires all staff and students to stay home when they are ill. In order to reduce community spread of illness, we follow best practices and recommendations from our local health department and from our industry associations, More Than Just Great Dancing!® and Youth Protection Advocates in Dance. BDA focuses on a hierarchy of measures beginning with keeping ill people home, followed by frequent hand cleaning and good hygiene practices, and amplified cleaning. In the event a class is unable to be held at the studio, classes will convert to an online learning platform until in-studio classes can resume​.
Special Communications
BDA works to keep you informed and up to date on regular studio happenings: Please read our Weekly Wednesday Newsletter, Emails, and Studio Communication Center (TV slideshow and information board at the studio). Follow @belladanceyk on Facebook and @bella.dance.academy on Instagram for weekly updates, and join our BDA Parent & Student Community on Facebook to connect with faculty and families. Any questions - We are happy to answer any questions you may have regarding your dancer or our programs. Let us know if we can help you in any way!​
Regular attendance is vital to student progress and group choreography. Please make every effort to attend each class. If you miss more than two of the final eight classes before our year-end performance you may be dismissed from participating in the performance routine at the discretion of the teacher. Please report all absences via website link.​
Inter-Sessional Break
BDA provides one inter-sessional break that provides flexibility during the dance season. Inter-sessional breaks allow for the potential makeup of classes in the event of breaks, canceled classes, or a cessation of classes for any reason.​
Dress Code
Proper attire and hair etiquette are required for all classes. For safety reasons, dancers are not permitted to wear jewelry. All required items will be available for purchase, in our Bella Boutique (with the exception of Pointe shoes). Dancers will not be sent home if they are unable to bring dress code, but will receive a warning if they are not consistently meeting dress code expectations.​
Class Observation
In an effort to maximize both instructional time and observational time, parent observation will be permitted for the entire class on scheduled dates (please see the BDA 2024/2025 Season Calendar). Other observations are at the teacher's discretion. We ask that you observe quietly, that cell phones be turned off, and that siblings are monitored and quiet during observations. Parents/guardians are not permitted to watch from the hallways.
Lost & Found
Lost and found is located in the top left cubby of the boot room shelves near the front door and next to the change rooms. Please check the lost and found regularly as all lost and found items are donated to the Salvation Army on the 15th of each month. BDA is not responsible for any lost or stolen items. Please do not leave belongings unattended. Dancers are encouraged to take dance bags into classrooms with them.​
Exam Classes
We are very pleased to be working towards offering Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) Ballet Exams during our 2024/2025 season. Eligible classes and/or students will be selected early in the season, and will work towards fulfilling their examination requirements throughout the season. Participation is not mandatory, but is encouraged. Extra fees apply and special attire is required. If your dancer has been selected to participate in an examination or class award session, you will receive notice (and all details) ASAP. ​