Bella Dance Academy is closed for all statutory holidays as well as Winter and Spring break. Classes will be held on Professional development days. Class times and instructors are subject to change without notice. Please check the studio message board, Facebook, and our website for any changes.
Please view our 2024/2025 Season Schedule below.
Subject to Change
BDA Summer Camps and Classes
Office Hours: Wednesdays 4:00 - 8:00pm
August 26th - 30th - RAD Intensive Week
Tuesday 3rd - Regular Office Hours Begin
Tuesday 3rd - Thursday 5th - Dancewear Days
Wednesday 11th - First Day of Annual Classes
Saturday 14th - Bloom 9 Week Fall Session Begin
Saturday 21st - Nutcracker Auditions
Monday 30th - Studio & Office Closed (Truth & Reconciliation Day)
Tuesday 1st - Monday 7th - Bring a friend Week
Monday 14th – Studio & Office Closed (Statutory Holiday)
Thursday 24th – Wednesday 30th - Dress-Up Week
Thursday 31st - Studio & Office Closed (Statutory Holiday)
Friday 1st - Registration Opens for Bloom 9 Week Winter Session Begin
Friday 1st - MUST inform office by today if you do not intend to participate in year-end show, or intend to use payment plan for costume fees (for students with more that 3 classes, or families with more than 3 students)
Monday 4th - Saturday 9th - Trial Week & Nutty Nutcracker Sale
Monday 11th - Studio & Office Closed (Statutory Holiday)
Monday 11th - RAD Exams - Northern Arts & Cultural Centre (NACC)
Friday 15th - Costume Fees Due
Monday 18th - Saturday 23rd - Grown Up Observation Week
Sunday 24th - Saturday 30th - Studio Closed for Nutcracker Rehearsals/Performances
Monday 16th - Last Day of Classes before Winter Break
Tuesday 17th – Studio & Office Closed for Winter Break - We wish you a healthy, happy holiday season!!
Monday 6th - Studio & Office Reopen, Annual Classes Resume
Saturday 11th - Bloom 9 Week Winter Session Begin
Monday 10th - Saturday 15th - Self-Love Week
Saturday 15th - Performer’s Fee (& GST) are charged to EFT/Credit Cards on File
Monday 17th - Saturday 22nd - Inter-Sessional Break
Monday 17th - RAD Exams - Northern Arts & Cultural Centre (NACC)
Saturday 22nd - Bella Beats Troupe Showcase - Northern Arts & Cultural Centre (NACC)
Friday 1st - Registration Opens for Bloom 9 Week Spring Session
Sunday 16th - Sunday 30th - Studio & Office Closed for Spring Break
Monday 31st - Studio & Office Reopen
Thursday 3rd - Bloom 9 Week Spring Session Begin
Friday 18th - Studio & Office Closed (Easter Friday)
Monday 21st - Studio & Office Open (Easter Monday)
Monday 21st - Saturday 26th – Costume Pick Up Week (exact times TBA)
Thursday 1st - Summer Camp Registration Opens (Current Families)
Saturday 3rd - Summer Camp Registration Opens (All Families)
Saturday 10th - Sunday 11th - Trade Show at Multiplex
Monday 19th - Studio Closed (Statutory Holiday)
Monday 26th - 31st - Year End Show Spirit Week
Sunday 1st - Saturday 14th - Pre-Priority Registration Returning BDA Students (Rollover Registration)
Sunday 1st - Sunday 8th- 2024/2025 Year End Showcase - Northern Arts & Cultural Centre (NACC)
Sunday 15th - Open Registration for 2025/2026 Season
Sunday 15th - Student Appreciation Day
Saturday 21st - Studio Closed (Statutory Holiday)
Wednesday 25th - Summer Office Hours Commence
Wednesday 25th - Bella Beats Dance Troupe Auditions
Summer Camps & Classes
All Summer Camps and Class schedules will be released in the early spring of 2025 (Registration begins May 1st)